Where To Go with a Child in Rainy Weather in Berlin-Kreuzberg?

Wohin mit Kind bei Regenwetter in Berlin-Kreuzberg?

Rainy weather in Berlin-Kreuzberg: Berlin’s weather can be quite unpredictable. Depending on the season, it can alternate between sun, rain, storms and snow. Bad weather is particularly unfortunate when the children really want to play – not at home. So if you’re a family with children looking for fun and games in an indoor location, why not come and join us at Kreuzzwerg parent and child café?

What to do with children when it rains in Berlin? Have a fun time in bad weather at Kreuzzwerg family café

How do I keep children busy when it’s raining?” is a question that many parents, childminders, babysitters or nursery teachers with daycare groups ask themselves when raindrops are falling from the sky outside. A visit to Kreuzberg’s Kreuzzwerg children’s café is a great activity idea for Berlin kids. That’s because you can experience all kinds of things here on around 170 square metres. Slide into the large ball pool with basketball hoop. Dress up in costumes from the colourful chest. Build with large building blocks. Climb around on all kinds of climbing frames. Browse through children’s books and discover lots more exciting toys. There is an extra crawling area for babies with age-appropriate toys.

Recharge your batteries with sweet and savoury snacks during your play breaks. Kreuzzwerg children’s café serves fresh waffles, pancakes, warm sandwiches and poultry wieners, for example. Drinks such as milk for children, espresso and lemonade are of course also available. Chat, eat and play in a cosy atmosphere and forget about Berlin’s rainy weather. Make the most of rainy days and spend quality time with the family. Kreuzzwerg family café is your warm place for bad weather in Berlin. Whether it’s the bitterly cold Berlin winter, the uncomfortable April weather or summer rain – we welcome you with good vibes.

Where Can You Have Breakfast With Children in Berlin When There’s Rainy Weather?

You wake up in the morning and look annoyed at the sky – grey clouds and pattering rain! An idea for you in rainy weather: start the day with a delicious family breakfast at Kreuzzwerg parent and child café. Enjoy the morning with coffee, a smoothie, bread rolls, bread and all kinds of cold cuts. You can easily pre-order different breakfast options online to secure a table in the café.

For example, there is a salmon and avocado breakfast, a vegetarian breakfast and a vegan breakfast. We can also serve you scrambled eggs with or without feta-tomato on request. Customise your family breakfast according to your wishes. You can book your family breakfast online in advance.

Book a Table Now and Have Breakfast When There’s Rainy Weather in Berlin-Kreuzberg


Where Can You Celebrate a Children’s Birthday Party in Berlin When It Rains?

Nobody would want a rainy children’s birthday party. And winter children, autumn children or April children wish for a nice birthday too. At Kreuzzwerg children’s café, you can celebrate indoors in the warmth. You can book your children’s birthday party at Kreuzberg’s family café online beforehand. That way you can secure your date in advance. You can either celebrate in our normal café operation – or you can reserve the entire children’s café just for your party. Then you’ll have all the rooms to yourselves on your child’s day of honour. As a private party, you can celebrate with up to 60 people. We look forward to organising your children’s birthday party for you in our child-friendly indoor location, even on rainy days in Berlin!